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1、刀口型直尺 knife straigjht edge
2、刀口尺 knife straigjht edge
3、三棱尺 three edges straigjht edge
4、四棱尺 four edges straigjht edge
5、条式和框式水平仪 bar form and square levels
6、合像水平仪 imaging level meter
7、铸铁平板 cast iron surface plate
8、岩石平板 granite surface plate
9、铸铁平尺 cast iron straigjht edge
10、钢平尺和岩石平尺 steel and granite straigjht edge
11、圆度仪 roundness measuring instrument
12、电子水平仪 electronic level meter
13、表面粗糙度比较样块铸造表面 roughness comparison specimens cast surface
14、表面粗糙度比较样块磨、车、铣、插及刨加工表面 roughness comparison specimens-ground,turned,bored,milled,shape and planed
15、表面粗糙度比较样块电火花加工表面 roughness comparison specimens spark-erostion machining surfaces
16、表面粗糙度比较样块抛光加工表面 roughness comparison specimens pollshed surfaces
18、轮廓 profiles
19、轨迹轮廓 traced profile
20、基准轮廓 reference profile
21、总轮廓 total profile
22、原始轮廓 primary profile
23、残余轮廓 residual profile
24、触针式仪器 stylus instrument
25、感应位移数字存储触针式量仪 displacement sensitive,digitally storing stylus instrument
26、触针式仪器的部件 stylus instrument components
27、测量环 measurement loop
28、导向基准 renfence guide
29、驱动器 drive unit
30、测头(传感器) probe(pick-up)
31、拾取单元 tracing element
32、针尖 stylus tip
33、转换器 transducer
34、放大器 amplifier
35、模/数转换器 analog-to-digital converter
36、数据输入 data input
37、数据输出 data output
38、轮廓滤波和评定 profile filtering and evaluation
39、轮廓记录器 profile recorder
40、仪器的计量特性 metrological characteristics of the instrument
41、静测力的变化 change of static measuring force
42、静态测力 static measuring force
43、动态测量力 dynamic measuring force
44、滞后 hysteresis
45、测头的测量范围 transmission function for the sine waves
46、仪器的测量范围 measuring range of the instrument
47、模数转换器的量化步距 quantization step of the ADC
48、仪器分辨力 instrument resolution
49、量程分辨力比 range-to-resolution ratio
50、测头线性偏差 probe linearity deviation
51、短波传输界限 short-wave transmission limitation
52、轮廓垂直成分传输 vertical profile component transmission
53、表面粗糙度比较样块抛丸、喷砂加工表面 roughness comparison specimens shot blasted and blasted surfaces
54、产品结构几何量计术规范(GPS)geometrical product specifications(GPS)
55、表面结构 surface texture
56、接触式仪器的标称特性 nominal characteristics of contact instruments
57、公法线千分尺 micrometer for mearsuring root tangent lenghths of gear teeth
58、最大允许误差 maximum permissible error
59、圆柱直齿渐开线花键量规 gauges for straight cylindrical involute splines
60、齿厚游标卡尺 Gear tooth vernier calipers
61、齿轮渐开线样板 the involute master of gear
62、齿轮螺旋线样板 the helix master of gear
63、矩形花键量规 gauges for straight –sided splines
64、测量蜗杆 master worm
65、万能测齿仪 universal gear measuring instrument
66、万能渐开线检查仪 universal involute measuring instrument
67、齿轮齿距测量仪 gear circular pictch measuring instrument
68、万能齿轮测量机 Universal gear measuring machine
69、齿轮螺旋线测量仪 gear helix measuring instrument
70、便携式齿轮齿距测量仪 manual gear circular pitch measuring instrument
71、便携式齿轮基节测量仪 manual gear base pitch measuring instrument
72、立式滚刀测量仪 vertical hob measuring instrument
73、齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪 Gear dual-flank measuring instrument
74、齿轮单面啮合整体误差测量仪 Gear single-flank meshing integrated error measuring instrument
75、梯形螺纹量规 gauges for metric trapezoidal screw threads
76、工作螺纹量规 work gauges for metric trapezoidal screw threads
77、校对螺纹量规 check gauges for metric trapezoidal screw threads
78、梯形螺纹量规型式与尺寸 Types and dimensions of metric trapezoidal screw threads
79、普通螺纹量规型式与尺寸 Types and dimensions of gauges purpose screw threads
80、非螺纹密封的管螺纹量规 Gauges for pipe threads prcessure-tight joints are not made on the threads
81、螺纹千分尺 Screw thread micrometer
82、最大允许误差 maximum permissible error
83、间隙螺纹量规 Clearance screw gauge
84、量针 Bar gauge
85、螺纹样板 Screw thread template
86、用螺纹密封的管螺纹量规 Gauges for pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads
87、刀具预调测量仪精度 Accuracy of the presetting instrument
88、薄膜式气动量仪 Membrane type pneumatic measuring instrument
89、光栅线位移测量系统 Grating linear displacement measuring system
90、光栅角位移测量系统 Grating angular displacement measuring system
91、磁栅线位移测量系统 Magnet-grid linear displacement measuring system
92、量块附件 Accessories for gauge blocks
93、V形架 Vee blocks
94、比较仪座 Comparator stand
95、磁性表座 Magnetic stand
96、万能表座 Universal stand for dial indicator
97、几何量 geometrical product
98、量值 value(of a quantity)
99、真值 true value(of a quantity)
100、约定真值 conventional true value(of a quantity)
101、单位 unit(of measurement)
102、测量m easurement
103、测试 measurement and test
104、检验 inspecte
105、静态测量 static measurement
106、动态测量 dynamic measurement
107、测量原理 principle of measurement
108、测量方法 method of measurement
109、测量程序 measurement procedure
110、被测量 measurand
111、影响量 influence quantity
112、变换值 transformed value(of a measurand)
113、测量信号 measurement signal
114、直接测量法 direct method of measurement
115、间接测量法 indirect method of measurement
116、定义测量法 definitive method of measurement
117、直接比较测量法 direct-comparison method of measurement
118、替代测量法 substitution method of measurement
119、微差测量法 differential method of measurement
120、零位测量法 nulll method of measurement
121、测量结果 result of a measurement
122、测得值 measured value
123、实际值 actual value
124、未修正结果 uncorrected result (of a measurement)
125、已修正结果 corrected result(of a measurement)
126、测量的准确度 accuracy of measurement
127、测量的重复性 repeatability of measurement
128、测量复现性 reproducibility of measurements
129、实验标准偏差 experimental standard deviation
130、测量不确定度 uncertainty of measurement
131、测量绝对误差 absolute error of measurement
132、相对误差 relative error
133、随机误差 random error
134、系统误差 systematic error
135、修正值 correction
136、修正系数 correction factor
137、人员误差 personal error
138、环境误差 environmental error
139、方法误差 error of method
140、调整误差 adjustment error
141、读数误差 reading error
142、视差 parallax error
143、估读误差 interpolation error
144、粗大误差 parasitic error
145、检定 verification
146、校准 calibration
147、调准 gauging
148、调整 adjustment


1、几何量具测量器具 dimensional measuring instruments
2、长度测量器具 length measuring instruments
3、角度测量器具 angle measuring instruments
4、坐标测量机 coordinate measuring machine
5、形状和位置误差测量器具 form and position error measuring instruments
6、表面质量测量器具 surface quality measuring instruments
7、齿轮测量器具 gear measuring instruments
8、实物量具(简称“量具”)material measure
9、测量仪器(简称“量仪”)measuring instruments
10、测量链 measuring chain
11、测量装置 measuring system
12、指示式测量仪器 indicating(measuring )instrument
13、记录式测量仪器 recording(measuring)instrument
14、累计式测量仪器 totalizing(measuring)instrument
15、积分式测量仪器 integrating(measuring)instrument
16、模拟式测量仪器 analogue(measuring)instrument
17、数字式测量仪器 digital(measuring)instrument
18、测量变换器 measuring transducer
19、传感器 sensor
20、指示装置 indicating device
21、记录装置 recording device
22、记录载体 recording medium
23、标尺标记 scale mark
24、指示器 index
25、标尺 scale
26、度盘 dail

测量器具术语 - 常用

1、标称值 nominal value
2、示值 indication(of a measuring instrument)
3、标尺范围 scale range
4、标称范围 nominal range
5、标尺长度 scale length
6、标尺分度 scale division
7、分度值 value of a scale division
8、标尺间距 scale spacing
9、线性标尺 linear scale
10、非线性标尺 non-linear scale
11、标尺标数 scale numbering
12、测量仪器的零位 zero of a measuring instrument
13、量程 span
14、测量范围 measuring range
15、额定工作条件 vated operating conditions
16、极限条件 reference condition
17、标准条件 reference condition
18、仪器常数 instrument constant
19、响应特性 response characteristic
20、灵敏度 senstivity
21、鉴别力 discrimination
22、分辨力 resolution(of an indicating device)
23、死区 dead band
24、准确度 accuracy of a measuring instruments
25、准确度等级 accuracy class
26、重复性 repeatability of a measuring instrument
27、示值变动性 varation of indication
28、稳定度 stability
29、可靠性 reliability
30、回程 hysteresis
31、漂移 drift
32、响应时间 response time
33、测量力(简称“测力”) measuring force

测量器具术语 - 误差

1、实物量具示值误差 error of indication of a material measure
2、测量仪器示值误差 error of indication of a measuring instrument
3、重复性误差 repeatability error of a measuring instrument
4、回程误差 hysteresis error
5、测量力变化 variation of measuring force
6、测量力落差 hysteresis of measuring force
7、偏移误差 bias error (of a measuring instrument)
8、允许误差 maximum permissible errors(of measuring instruments)
9、跟踪误差 tracking error (of a measuring instrument)
10、响应率误差 response-law error (of a measuring instrument)
11、量化误差 quantization error (of a measuring instrument)
12、基值误差 datum error (of a measuring instrument)
13、零值误差 zero error (of a measuring instrument)
14、影响误差 influence error
15、引用误差 fiducial error
16、位置误差 position error
17、线性误差 linear error
18、响应特性曲线 response characteristic curve
19、误差曲线 error curve
20、校准曲线 calibration curve
21、修正曲线 correction curve

长度测量器具 - 量具类

1、量块 gauge block
2、光滑极限量规 plain limit gauge
3、塞规 plug gauge
4、环规 ring gauge
5、卡规 snap gauge
6、塞尺 feeler gauge
7、钢直尺 steel gauge
8、精密玻璃线纹尺 precision glass linear scale
9、精密金属线纹尺 precision metal linear scale
10、半径样板 radius template

长度测量器具 - 卡尺类

1、游标卡尺 vernier caliper
2、带表卡尺 dial caliper
3、电子数显卡尺 calliper with electronic digital display
4、深度标游卡尺 depth vernier caliper
5、电子数显深度卡尺 depth caliper with electronic digital display
6、带表高度卡尺 dial height calliper
7、高度游标卡尺 height vernier caliper
8、电子数显高度卡尺 height caliper with electronic digital display
9、焊接检验尺 calliper for welding inspection

长度测量器具 - 千分尺类

1、测微头 micrometer head
2、外径千分尺 external micrometer
3、杠杆千分尺 micrometer with dial comparator
4、带计数器千分尺 micrometer with counter
5、电子数显外径千分尺 micrometer with electronic digital display
6、小测头千分尺 small anvil micrometer
7、尖头千分尺 point micrometer
8、板厚千分尺 sheet metal micrometer
9、壁厚千分尺 tube micrometer
10、叶片千分尺 blade micrometer
11、奇数沟千分尺 odd fluted micrometer
12、深度千分尺 depth micrometer
13、内径千分尺 internal micrometer
14、单杆式内径千分尺 single-body internal micrometer
15、表式内径千分尺 dail internal micrometer
16、三爪式内径千分尺 three point internal micrometer
17、电子数显三爪式内径千分尺 three point internal micrometer
18、内测千分尺 inside micrometer


1、指示表 dial indicator
2、深度只是表 depth dial indicator
3、杠杆指示表 dial test indicator
4、内径指示表 bore dial indicator
5、涨弹簧式指示表 expanding head bore dial indicator
6、钢球式内径指示表 ball type bore dial indicator
7、电子数显指示表 dial indicator with electronic digital display
8、杠杆卡规 indicating snap gauge
9、带表卡规 dial snap gauge
10、带表外卡规 outside dial snap gauge
11、带表内卡规 inside dial snap gauge
12、测厚规 thickness gauge
13、扭簧比较仪 microcator
14、杠杆齿轮比较仪 mechanical dial comparator
15、电子量规 electronic gauge
16、电感式传感器 inductance type transducer
17、指示装置 indicating device
18、电感测微仪 inductance micrometer
19、峰值电感测微仪 peak inductance micrometer
20、电感内径比较仪 inductance bore comparator
21、瞄准传感器 aiming transducer


1、角度块 angle block gauge
2、正多面棱体 regular polygon mirror
3、刀具角度样板 cutter angular template
4、直角尺 square
5、平行直角尺 parallel square
6、宽座直角尺 wide-stand square
7、刀口形直角尺 edge square
8、矩形直角尺 square square
9、三角形直角尺 three angle square
10、圆柱直角尺 cylinder square
11、方形角尺 square guage
12、万能角度尺 universal bevel protractor
13、游标式万能角度尺 vernier universal bevel protractor
14、表式万能角度尺 dial universal bevel protractor
15、光学分度头 optical dividing head
16、目镜式光学分度头 optical dividing head with microscope reading
17、投影式光学分度尺 optical dividing head with projection reading
18、光电分度头 optical-electronic dividing head
19、多齿分度台 multi-tooth division table
20、分度转台 division rotary table
21、正炫规 sine bar
22、普通正炫规 general sine bar
23、铰链式正炫规 hinge type sine bar
24、双向正炫规 dual-directional sine bar
25、圆锥量规 cone gauge
26、圆锥塞规 plug cone gauge
27、圆锥环规 ring cone gauge
28、直角尺测量仪 square measuring instrument


1、平晶 optical flat
2、单面平晶 optical flat
3、双面平晶 parallel optical flat
4、刀口形直尺 knife straight edge
5、刀口尺 knife straight edge
6、三棱尺 three edges straight edge
7、四棱尺 four edges straight edge
8、平尺 straight edge
9、矩形平尺 square straight edge
10、工字形平尺 i-beam straight edge
11、角形平尺 angle straight edge
12、桥形平尺 bridge type straight edge
13、平板 surface plate
14、铸铁平板 cast iron surface plate
15、岩石平板 granite surface plate
16、方箱 square box
17、水准器式水平仪 level meter
18、条式水平仪 bar level meter
19、框式水平仪 frame level meter
20、合像水平仪 imaging level meter
21、光学倾斜仪 optical inclinometer
22、电子水平仪 electronic level meter
23、指针式电子水平仪 electronic level meter with indicator
24、数显式电子水平仪 electronic level meter with digital display
25、平直度测量仪 straightness measuring instrument
26、光学式平直度测量仪 optical straightness measuring instrument
27、光电式平直度测量仪 photoelectrical straightness measuring instrument
28、圆度测量仪 roundness measuring instrument
29、转轴式圆度测量仪 spindle-rotating type roundness measuring instrument
30、转台式圆度测量仪 table-rotating type roundness measuring instrument


1、表面粗糙度比较样块 surface roughness comparison specimen
2、铸造表面粗糙度比较样块 surface roughness comparison specimen for cast surface
3、磨、车、镗、铣、插及刨加工表面粗糙度比较样块 surface roughness comparison specimen for ground,turned,bored,milled,shaped and planed surface
4、电火花加工表面粗糙度比较样块 surface roughness comparison specimen for spark-erosion machined surface
5、抛(喷)丸、喷砂加工表面粗糙度比较样块 surface roughness comparison specimen for shot blasted and grit blasted surface
6、抛光加工表面粗糙度测量仪 portable surface roughness comparison specimen for polished surface
7、便携式表面粗糙度测量仪 portable surface roughess measuring instrument
8、驱动箱 driving box
9、台式表面粗糙度测量仪 bench type surface roughness measuring instrument


1、测量齿轮 master gear
2、直齿测量齿轮 master straight gear
3、斜齿测量齿轮 master helical gear
4、测量齿条 master rack
5、测量蜗杆 master worm
6、单头测量蜗杆 master worm with one thread
7、双头测量蜗杆 master worm with two threads
8、三头测量蜗杆 master worm with three threads
9、渐开线样板 involute template
10、螺旋线样板 helix template
11、齿厚游标卡尺 gear tooth vernier caliper
12、电子数显齿厚卡尺 gear tooth caliper with electronic digital display
13、公法线千分尺 gear tooth mivrometer
14、杠杆公法线千分尺 indicating gear tooth micrometer
15、正切齿厚规 tangent gear tooth gauge
16、矩形花键量规 square spline gauge
17、矩形花键塞规 square spline internal gauge
18、矩形花键环规 square spline ring gauge
19、圆柱直齿渐开线花键量规 straight cylindrical involute spline gauge
20、圆柱直齿渐开线花键塞规 straight cylindrical involute spline internal gauge
21、圆柱直齿渐开线花键环规 straight cylindrical involute spline ring gauge
22、三角花键量规 triangular spline gauge
23、三角花键塞规 triangular spline internal gauge
24、三角花键环规 triangular spline ring gauge


1、便携式齿轮齿距测量仪 manual gear circular pitch measuring instrument
2、上置式齿轮齿距测量仪 portable gear circular pitch measuring instrument
3、齿轮基节测量仪 gear base pitch measuring instrument
4、齿轮跳动测量仪 gear run-out measuring instrument
5、齿轮螺旋角测量仪 gear helix angle measuring instrument
6、齿轮导程测量仪 gear lead measuring instrument
7、单盘式齿形测量仪 disc type tooth profile measuring instrument
8、基圆盘 base circle plate
9、分级单盘式齿形齿向测量仪 variable single disc tooth
10、万能式齿形测量仪 universal tooth profile measuring instrument
11、万能测齿仪 universal gear measuring instrument
12、齿轮齿向测量仪 gear tooth directional measuring instrument
13、齿轮齿距测量仪 gear circular pitch measuring instrument
14、万能渐开线螺旋线测量仪 universal involute & helix measuring instrument
15、齿轮测量机 gear measuring machine
16、涡轮测量仪 worm wheel measuring instrument


1、圆锥齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪 bevel gear dual-flank meshing measuring instrument
2、圆柱齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪 cylindrical gear dual-flank meshing measuring instruement
3、圆锥齿轮单面啮合测量仪 bevel gear single-flank meshing measuring instrument
4、圆锥齿轮测量机 bevel gear measuring machine
5、齿轮单面啮合整体误差测量仪 gear single-flank meshing integrated error measuring instrument
6、齿轮测量中心 gear measuring center




